Murder at the Deadwood Saloon
Murder at the Deadwood Saloon
Columbus, IN
NO VARMINTS NO FIGHTING NO BANDITS The biggest poker tournament this side of the Mississippi is over and now we're ready to celebrate. Saddle up and ride on over to the Bartholomew County Fairgrounds on October 1st for a rootin' tootin' good time. Dust off your nicest boots and hats. You'd be a …
Saturday, October 1 2016
6:00 PM
11:00 PM
Sans Souci's Murder for a Cause
Sans Souci's Murder for a Cause
Columbus, IN
Your presence is requested at Mystery Manor for an evening filled with murder and mysteryin order to commemorate the death of the late millionaire, Rick A. Rochester. Among Rick's dying wishes, he wanted his will reading to be a party thrownin his honor to gather together those most important in h…
Saturday, September 12 2015
6:00 PM
10:00 PM